
A look at some of the full time, studio production work I've done over the years.


2016 - 2019


2019 - 2020

Warner Bros.


Warner Bros.

Although working at Apple was a great experience, it ultimately was not the hands-on content production that I wanted to pursue. At the start of 2020, I came on board the Visual Effects team for the latest Matrix film shooting in San Francisco. This was just the transition I was looking for, so I came on board as an Assistant Data Wrangler.
I was able to leverage my existing knowledge of VFX that I developed earlier in my career, with the on-set experience I had gained through my years at Jaunt. Our job was to capture reference material for our VFX artists in post-production. Many of the live-action scenes we film either need to be recreated in a CG environment, or have some additional effect added to the scene. To do this, they need accurate reference material to be able to match the scene as it was shot on set.
Reference Material:
- Lighting Reference (Panoramic HDR, Nodal Ninja)
- Texture Reference (Panoramic HDRI, Roundshot VR)
- Texture Photography
- Witness Cams (Panasonic GH5s)
- Tracking Markers
(Pictured: Capturing texture reference photography with Canon 5d mk iv, 35mm prime lens, Roundshot VR)

Warner Bros.


2020 - 2021




2021 - 2022


Whats next? That's up to you.
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